Admitting the Possibilities of Error - Let us Draw into a Circle.
Performance Arcade, Wellington, New Zealand. Feb 18th - 28th 2021

Connected via a Zoom tunnel with Performance Arcade and special guests from around the world I burnt my lines into a wooden circle in my studio in the UK. In a deliberate play on the double meaning of the verb ‘to draw’, I invited visitors and zoom guests to make their own responses to my invitation: ‘Let us Draw into a Circle’ creating a dynamic virtual round table of interactions for the duration of Performance Arcade 2021.

In 2015, I drew for 57 hours throughout Performance Arcade using donated and borrowed pens and pencils. (link)

For access to recordings of special visits* and interviews please contact me.
*Max K Weaver, Valerie Trouet, Dave Neale, Rona Lee, Lucy Taylor, Elisa Dierickx, David Alderson, Dave Schatz and Timothy Zellinsky (Circles for Zoom), Mark Jeffery and Kevin Shannon, Pat Carney, Pantea Loftian and Neil White (Cambridge Jungian Circle)